Acoem AB
ACOEM AB develops, manufactures, and markets the Fixturlaser branded laser-based measurement instruments for alignment and positioning of rotating machinery. Our measurement systems are user-friendly tools that minimize the number of operations involved in the alignment process – “Express Alignment Through Real Innovation by Fixturlaser”.
They come with the basic precision alignment applications and functions, such as horizontal and vertical shaft precision alignment, compensation for soft foot, bolt and base bound situations, and with optional applications, such as alignment of machine trains and of offset mounted machines, measurement of dynamic and thermal movements.
Box 7
SE-431 21 Mölndal
Visitor’s address:
Östergårdsgatan 9
SE-431 53 Mölndal
Tel: +46 31 706 28 00
Fax: +46 31 706 28 50
E-mail: info.se@acoem.com
Website: www.fixturlaser.com