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Baltech Central Asia

BALTECH  has been an exclusive representative of the company Acoem for more than 15 years, and solves issues on laser shaft alignment of horizontal and vertical machines, laser geometry measurement of industrial equipment and laser pulley alignment. BALTECH  supplies Acoem systems and conducts training seminars every month on efficient work with Acoem systems. We are also an authorized service centre, which performs repair and calibration of Fixturlaser laser systems. We have great experience in solving alignment and measurement tasks in all industries.

Baltekh Central Asia
Nur-Sultan, Esil district, Dostyk street, bld. 20, office 1504,
Astana 020000
Website: www.baltech.kzContact person:
Kuatkeb Kalymbekov (Куатбек Калымбеков)
Tel: + 7 708 425 04 21

Факс: +7 812 3350085
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